What is an Artificial Pancreas?


A medical device designed to manage glucose levels in people with diabetes.

It uses man-made technology to match the way a pancreas works.

It helps automatically regulate the delivery of insulin and glucagon to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Artificial Pancreas: How Does it Work?

It works by continuously monitoring glucose levels in the body through a sensor and using algorithms to calculate the amount of insulin or glucagon needed to maintain normal levels.

The device then delivers the required amount of hormone through a pump that is attached to the body.

What are the Different Types of Artificial Pancreas?

  • A single hormone system (delivers only insulin)
  • A dual hormone system (delivers both insulin and glucagon)

Who can Use an Artificial Pancreas?

An artificial pancreas can be used by people with type 1 diabetes, which occurs when the body is unable to produce insulin on its own, as well as people with type 2 diabetes who require insulin therapy.

What are the Benefits of an Artificial Pancreas?

  • Improve diabetes management by providing better control of blood sugar levels
  • Reduce the risk of complications associated with diabetes
  • Improves quality of life for people with diabetes

Real Pancreas vs Artificial Pancreas

Real Pancreas: Produces insulin naturally, can be affected by diseases, may require insulin injections, affected by lifestyle factors.

Artificial Pancreas: Device combining CGM and insulin pump, effectively regulates blood sugar, requires monitoring and maintenance, not a cure for diabetes, but improves quality of life.

Myth and Fact on Artificial Pancreas

Myth: Artificial pancreas can cure diabetes.

Fact: Artificial pancreas can help manage diabetes, but it cannot cure it.

Myth and Fact on Artificial Pancreas

Myth: Artificial pancreas is a replacement for a real pancreas.

Fact: Artificial pancreas can help manage glucose levels, but it does not perform all the functions of a healthy pancreas.

FAQ on Artificial Pancreas

Is an artificial pancreas suitable for children with diabetes?

Yes, an artificial pancreas can be used by children with diabetes, but it may require special consideration and adjustments for their age and size.

FAQ on Artificial Pancreas

Can an artificial pancreas be used during pregnancy?

Yes, an artificial pancreas can be used during pregnancy, but it may require special monitoring and adjustments to ensure the safety of the mother and baby.
